Thursday, December 29, 2011

Welcome to my blog

I decided a while ago that I wanted to write a blog.  But, I figured that I wouldn’t start till after I retire.  I figured I didn’t have enough time now to finish a blog every couple weeks.  I’m now about a year away from retirement.  And recently I thought, “Why wait?”  As I thought about it, I realized that there will be a number of interesting things happening within the next year that I would like to write about.  For example, the upcoming Presidential election.  But also, I think it would be interesting to share my thoughts about my upcoming retirement.  And, who knows what other interesting things will happen during the coming year.  So, I’ve decided to take the plunge.
I’m calling my blog “Trying to Understand”.  I feel that there’s an awful lot of stuff out there in the world that I don’t understand.  I remember when I was in school (many, many years ago) that one of my teachers talked about a time in history when all the knowledge of the then-known world could fit into one book.  Hard to believe that could be true when we see the thousands of books that get published each year.  (Wikipedia says that in 2009 there were 288,000 books published in the United States alone.)  It’s impossible for anyone to put all that knowledge together and understand everything there is to understand.  But, I think most people are curious about things and curious about how things fit together and whether there is some underlying meaning to it all.
I don’t expect my blogs to be earth-shattering or boundary-breaking for the world.  But, I think that, putting my thoughts “on paper”, as it were, will help me to make them clearer for myself.  And maybe some of my readers will appreciate them also.  So begins my journey in “Trying to Understand”.