Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Eve - 2012

Last night we celebrated New Year’s Eve by going to New Year’s by the Bay in Belfast, Maine.  I remember when I was in my early 20’s spending some New Year’s Eves alone and doing thought-provoking reading.  In preparation for the New Year, reading these things encouraged me to ponder what life was all about and how I might approach the New Year.  Many of the things I read had a spiritual slant, such as the writings of Thomas Merton.

I was reminded of this last night, as we began the evening listening to Hawk Henries play his wooden flutes.  I thought this was a great way to begin the preparation for the New Year.  Hawk Henries is a member of an Algonquin tribe called Nipmuc.  He has been making and playing flutes for over 20 years.

I appreciated being able to close my eyes, clear my mind and listen to the beautiful, mellow sounds coming from his flutes.  It was a meditative experience.  Mystics, including Merton, talk about contemplation as being open to God and experiencing the Divine presence without words.  It seems to me that music is a similar experience.  The right music, that is.  And to me, Hawk Henries’ flute music is the right music.  Here’s a sample of it.  This YouTube clip includes some pictures that complement the wonderful sound of the flute.  The shoreline pictures appeared to me to be from Mid-Coast Maine.

Enjoy the YouTube clip and have a wonderful New Year!